Language for learning complex human-object interactions

Published in ICRA, 2013

  1. Full citation

    Patel, M., Ek, C. H., Kyriazis, N., Argyros, A. A., Miró, J. V., & Kragic, D. (2013). Language for learning complex human-object interactions. ICRA, 4997–5002.


    In this paper we use a Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) to represent and learn complex activities/task performed by humans/robots in everyday life. Action primitives are used as a grammar to represent complex human behaviour and learn the interactions and behaviour of human/robots with different objects. The main contribution is the use of a probabilistic model capable of representing behaviours at multiple levels of abstraction to support the proposed hypothesis. The hierarchical nature of the model allows decomposition of the complex task into simple action primitives. The framework is evaluated with data collected for tasks of everyday importance performed by a human user.